

This group is mostly dedicated to research on biomarkers and molecular mechanisms underlying the development and progression of malignant neoplasms and it aims to provide translational knowledge to advance the diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of a variety of human cancers.

For this purpose, the team combines both morphological (light and ultrastructural microscopy) and advanced molecular tools including next generations sequencing (NGS), in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemistry; these, integrated with bioinformatics tools such as digital pathology, provide a multidisciplinary approach to cancer research. They also have a special interest, and long and productive research tradition in non-neoplastic conditions, including neurodegenerative diseases including dementias and nephropathology amongst others.

The group of Cancer Molecular Pathology and Vulnerabilities (CAMOPAVUL) has been recognized as a Consolidated Research Group (2021SGR01490) with financial support by the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) of the Government of Catalonia.

Keywords: Cancer, NGS, molecular pathology, traslational research.

Molecular and Translational Pathology

Research lines

Breast and genitourinary neoplasms

Pedro L. Fernández, M. Carmen  Gómez-Plaza, Eva Castellá, Cristina Carrato

Lymphoid and mesenchymal neoplasms

Gustavo Tapia, José L. Mate, Caterina Fumagalli

Respiratory tract, and head & neck neoplasms

José L. Mate, Alba Hernández, Ariadna Quer

Digestive and hepatobiliary tract neoplasms

Raquel López, Alba Hernández, Laura Hernández, Caterina Fumagalli

Nervous and endocrine systems  neoplasms, and neurodegenerative disorders

Cristina Carrato, Aurelio Ariza, Katrin Beyer

Skin neoplasms

Ariadna Quer, Caterina Fumagalli, Paula Rodriguez

Nefropathology and fetal pathology

Dolores López Álvarez, Paula Rodriguez, Marta Ávila

Molecular pathology

A Muñoz, Carolina Sanz


Pedro L. Fernández

Active projects

Molecular characterization of genomics and phenotypical patterns related to resistance to neoadjuvant therapy in triple negative and Her2 positive breast carcinomas

PI: Pedro L. Fernández  
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
Agency code: PI19/01371
Start Date: 01/01/2020
End Date: 31/12/2022

Comprehensive molecular and microspectroscopic profiling of breast carcinomas and their resistance to neoadjuvant treatment

PI: Pedro L. Fernández  
Funding agency: La Marató de TV3
Agency code: 567/2019
Start Date: 01/01/2020
End Date: 31/12/2022

Análisis epigenómico integral del linfoma plasmablástico: identificación de características epigenéticas para mejorar el diagnóstico y pronóstico de los pacientes   

PI: José Tomás Navarro 
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
Agency code: PI19/01588
Start Date: 01/01/2020
End Date: 31/12/2022

Validación de las alteraciones genómicas en el glioblastoma: búsqueda de puntos débiles para intervención terapéutica (VAL-GLIO-THERINT)

PI: Cristina Carrato
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
Start Date: 01/01/2022
End Date: 31/12/2024

Scientific publications

Felip E, Gutiérrez-Chamorro L, Gómez M, Garcia-Vidal E, Romeo M, Morán T, Layos L, Pérez-Roca L, Riveira-Muñoz E, Clotet B, Fernandez PL, Mesía R, Martínez-Cardús A, Ballana E, Margelí M. Modulation of DNA Damage Response by SAM and HD Domain Containing Deoxynucleoside Triphosphate Triphosphohydrolase (SAMHD1) Determines Prognosis and Treatment Efficacy in Different Solid Tumor Types. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Jan 27;14(3):641. DOI: 10.3390/cancers14030641. PMID: 35158911; PMCID: PMC8833711.

Fernández PL, Rodriguez P, Margeli M, Sanz C, Muñoz AM, Urbizu A, Quiroga V, Castillo A, Cirauqui B, Teruel I, Castella E, Felip E, Perello C, Pons L, Leon LH. Characterization of Residual TN and HER2 Breast Carcinomas after Neoadjuvant Therapy. Modern Patology. 2022 Mar 1.

Temprana-Salvador J, López-García P, Castellví Vives J, de Haro L, Ballesta E, Rojas Abusleme M, Arrufat M, Marques F, Casas JR, Gallego C, Pons L, Mate JL, Fernández PL, López-Bonet E, Bosch R, Martínez S, Ramón Y Cajal S, Matias-Guiu X. DigiPatICS: Digital Pathology Transformation of the Catalan Health Institute Network of 8 Hospitals-Planification, Implementation, and Preliminary Results. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Mar 30;12(4):852. DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics12040852. PMID: 35453900; PMCID: PMC9025604.

Pons L, Hernández-León L, Altaleb A, Ussene E, Iglesias R, Castillo A, Rodríguez-Martínez P, Castella E, Quiroga V, Felip E, Cirauqui B, Margelí M, Fernández PL. Conventional and digital Ki67 evaluation and their correlation with molecular prognosis and morphological parameters in luminal breast cancer. Sci Rep. 2022 May 17;12(1):8176. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-11411-5. PMID: 35581229; PMCID: PMC9114341.


- Campus Can Ruti, , Divulgació

Conclouen amb èxit les visites de La Marató als laboratoris de l’IGTP

Les quatre visites del cicle "Visita la recerca" de la Fundació La Marató de TV3 a l'Institut de Recerca Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP) han finalitzat amb un balanç molt positiu. Més de 50 col·laboradors han pogut conèixer diversos projectes de recerca finançats a través d'aquesta iniciativa solidària.

- Campus Can Ruti

Es presenta CARE el Programa Translacional de Recerca en Càncer de l’IGTP

CARE, el Programa Translacional de Recerca en Càncer (Translational Program in Cancer Research), és el primer programa transversal promogut per l'Institut de Recerca Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP), que vol ser nexe d'investigadors del càncer interessats a establir ponts entre la recerca bàsica i la clínica, amb una clara vocació per traslladar al pacient el coneixement i les eines que es generen al laboratori.

+ Notícies


Paula Osorio Recordà

(+34) 93 497 8356 extn. 3059
